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There’s a blog for that…
(and if there isn’t, please tell me, I’ll write one!)
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Families often ask me where the best place is to get a cake smash cake for their baby's first birthday photoshoot. If you opt for a store bought one then there are some amazing options from the big supermarkets. This blog covers my top tips for picking your cakesmash cake, as well as details, images and links to my favourite (and the most suitable) store bought birthday and celebration cakes for your baby’s photoshoot.

Over the years I have been fortunate enough to be invited by a number of local Baby Sensory Class Leaders to come and capture key moments in your baby's first year at some of their special classes dotted throughout the year. I love this, as it means I get to see some of 'my' babies all the way from bump and newborn photos through to turning one and graduating from Baby Sensory. Read on for some of my halloween delights from 2016.